Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I am so poor

I am so poor.
I am scary-poor.
It doesn’t feel that terrible…
I find my way around.

I am so fit.
I am very fit.
It doesn’t feel that difficult…
I enjoy it.

I am so quiet.
I am extremely quiet.
I don’t feel that silent…
It isn’t so silent in my brain.

I am so cold.
I am freezing cold.
It doesn’t feel that life threatening…
I put on more layers.

I am so young.
I am a child to the middle-aged.
I don’t feel that immature…
I like to learn.

I am so responsible.
I am ridiculously responsible.
It doesn’t feel that great…
I find it monotonously necessary.

I am so sustainable.
I am considered a “tree-hugger.”
It doesn’t feel  that time consuming…
I look for the recycling bin.

I am so hungry.
Sometimes I am starving.
I can afford potatoes…
Yes, I do work. Don’t you?

I am so angry.
I hate the way the world is.
It feels hopeless.
I try.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fools come in all shapes and sizes

Fools come in all shapes and sizes. Trust me.
Popular things are what you need. Not again.
Comfort is Spectacular. Oh really?
“Please” is nice to say. Didn’t you know?
Eat sugar Sparingly. I never do.
An apple a day keeps the dr. away.
An apple in any way?

Drink plenty of water. Trust me.
Take Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Not again.
Television is Amazing. Oh really?
“Thank you” is nice to say. Didn’t you know?
Eat your deserts After dinner. I never do.
Wash your pan after you cook in it.
When I cook water in it?

Eat fruits and vegetables. Trust me.
Insurance is Awesome. Not again.
Fox news is Phenomenal. Oh really?
Recycling is nice to do. Didn’t you know?
Watch your chocolate consumption. I never do.
Clean out your refrigerator.
When there is nothing in it?

Don’t believe everything you hear. Trust me.
The majority opinion tends to be the right one. Not again.
I highly recommend voting for George W. Bush. Oh really?
Reading a book is good. Didn’t you know?
Refrain from drinking. I never do.
Never watch television on Thursdays.
So I should watch television on other days?

Movement is good for you. Trust me.
You should never question your ideology. Not again.
Capitalism is the Only way. Oh really?
Gardening is good for you. Didn’t you know?
Wear a jacket. I never do.
Do not walk under ladders.
Why not?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

There is a stew within my brain, and

There is a stew within my brain
And I do not want to eat it.
There is a stew within my brain
And I do not want to see it.
There is a stew within my brain.
There are no refrigerators.
There are no Tupperware bowls.
There are no zip-lock bags.
There are no garbage cans.
There are no other people to eat it.
There is a stew within my brain
And I wish it were a dessert.
There is a stew within my brain
And it has sat in one place for days.
Things are growing in it
And it looks very strange.
There is a stew within my brain
And I want to vomit whenever I attempt to talk myself into having a bite.
It consists of sentences that stand alone,
That do not connect and they all seem to fight.
There is a stew within my brain
And I want to pick it up and dump it on the floor,
The only problem is that I would be left to clean it up and look at it more.
There is a stew within my brain
That consists of tears
Kissing rears.
There is a stew within my brain
That used to be soup.
The soup used to be broth.
The broth used to be water.
The water used to be air.
The air used to be fair.
There is a stew within my brain
And I am convinced that if spilled,
It would leave a huge stain.

There is a casserole in my body
And I don’t want to eat it.
There is a casserole in my body
And I don’t want to see it.
There is a casserole in my body.
There is no plastic wrap.
There is no dish.
There is no ice.
There are no preservatives.
There are no dumpsters.
There is a casserole in my body
And I wish it were a banana.
There is a casserole in my body
And it is cold and moldy.
It moves without movement
It is alive and does not look ordinary.
There is a casserole in my body
And I feel sick when I poke at it with my knife.
It consists of confused, neuronal vibrations,
That do not connect and they all seem to fight.
There is a casserole in my body
And I want to get rid of it,
The only problem is that it is a metaphor for something in my body resembling a fidget.
There is a casserole in my body
That consists of jitters
Feeling withered.
There is a casserole in my body
That used to be an entrée.
The entrée used to be food.
The food used to be good.
The good used to be tasty.
The tasty used to be delicious.
There is a casserole in my body
And I am convinced that if dropped
Along with it, would be my entirety.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I have experienced ugliness

I have experienced ugliness today.
I have experienced only the purest form of human scum.

I never expected to find it today, of all of my en-endless days.
I was having a relatively nice time “out” in the world. I was going to see a puppet show; that is all that was on my mind. The puppet show and I was wearing my new clown outfit.
Yes, I am a clown.
My clown outfit consists of suspenders, a golf hat and a sheriff badge.
It is beautiful. I love it.
It is typically a confusing outfit to a lot of people, I am sure most people are quite confused by my ways.
I have been laughed at, pointed at, called “honey- boy,” and spit at.
Luckily there was a window protecting my middle finger while I stuck it up at them.
I wonder if they also saw my confused, beautiful tears

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You just don’t look normal, you know what I am saying dear?

Please, please do not take this the wrong way, but you are insane. You really are, I,I am not attempting to be malicious. I am truly a nice person. I am just trying to be honest with you.
 Honesty is the only thing that comes out of my mouth.
Trust me, please trust me.
"Why am I insane?"
Well, you definitely look insane.
You look like an insane person.
You just don’t look normal, you know what I am saying dear?
Well, honey you do look insane,
You look completely out of your mind.
You must’ve been born like this,
Yes, bless you r poor little heart.
You just look insane, alright!
You look completely bonkers!
You must be crazy!
“excuse me? Ma’am?”
Hun, I am just telling the darn truth! Ain’t nothing but the truth in my words! As God is my witness!
You are insane!
“I don’t think this lady understands”
“Yes, she seems to be rather confused.”

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Welcome to my domain

Welcome, to my domain.
No, you have not been here before. I would never have brought you here before today, I know, I calculated. The domain, this room is large. I enjoy large rooms, they help me compensate.  Have you ever seen a room as dark as this one is? I hate it, I think it's dreadful, I have been trying to let more light in but it just won
It is
Difficult to utter why I caused you to come to this
domain. This domain is sacred, you know?
I wanted you to witness it, I guess.
I guess a lot of things, sometimes I am right. You see, it is dark, it is dark in here. How dark is your domain? What is your domain like? I would like to view it. Sincerely, I would
. Well, you seem terrified. In fact, you look absolutely out of your mind with fear. Oh,
Oh. I forgot that I was speaking in metaphor. I meant brain of course.

Welcome, to my brain.
No, you have not been here before. I would never have brought you here before today, I know, I calculated. The brain, this mind is large. I enjoy large brains, they help me compensate. Have you ever seen a brain as dark as this one? I hate it, I think it’s dreadful, I have been trying to let more light in but it just won
It  is
Difficult to utter why I caused you to come to this
brain. This brain is sacred, you know?
I wanted you to witness it, I guess.
I guess a lot of things, sometimes I am right. You see, it is dark, it is dark in here. How dark is your brain? What is your brain like? I would like to view it. Sincerely, I would
. Well, you seem terrified. In fact, you look absolutely out of your mind with fear. Oh,
Oh. I forgot that I was speaking in metaphor. I meant body of course.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I fall into the cement

I fall into the cement
And I wonder and question it
Not much is received, not even a scent
So I simply fold and sit,

I sit my buttocks against the hard
The cold, aloof compound
Seemingly attempting to comprehend

Not much is received, not even a cent.
Sometimes I want to receive, sometimes
It is dreadfully boring and spent
Oh yes, I do picture these rhymes.

I fall into the sky
And it feels strange and ordinary
Like swimming in a pie
While eating blueberries

I crush and shove the berries into
The warm, engaging space
Seemingly attempting to comprehend
That thing.

Not much is accomplished, not even a fruit.
Sometimes I want to do, sometimes
It is most exasperating and cute
Oh yes, I do watch these times.

I fall into the water
And it feels nice and mortifying
Like walking naked across a world
I feel free but I know I seem terrifying

I take each step with caution and attempt
To present that stupid made up
Seemingly trying to comprehend

Not much is attempted, not even a twitch.
Sometimes I want to be, sometimes
It is most secure and rich
Oh yes, It shows in all kinds.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Blind are not blind: They are Zombies

Minds may indeed affect The Blind,
but either way
The Blind are not fine.
Most will claim to be okay.

Does one encourage?
Until they kill and obliterate their lack-
or do you have the courage
to let them mutilate the facts?

The Blind are indeed in need
for education outside of Education
to help them see,
to create human beings with reactions.

befuddle and confuse.
Help them suppose
or even become the amused.

Treat those
who do not feel motivation.
To teach them to suppose

or create creations.
                                                                                 -The Bison

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

God- or -god is a gypsy or Gypsy-

This is how a useless conversation begins and ends.
Please do not shout into my ear.
I did not know I was shouting. I am sorry.
That is alright.
Then why did you have to say anything?
I don't know.
(That is how a useless conversation begins and ends.)
this is how another useless conversation begins and doesn't end
Who are you?
Who am I?
Yes, who are you?
Why are you asking?
I want to know who you are.
Why won't you tell me who you are?
Why do you want to know who I am?
Because it is important, how about you?
Because it is important.
[someone walks away]

-The Bison