Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I am no longer sleeping

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Blind are not blind: They are Zombies

Minds may indeed affect The Blind,
but either way
The Blind are not fine.
Most will claim to be okay.

Does one encourage?
Until they kill and obliterate their lack-
or do you have the courage
to let them mutilate the facts?

The Blind are indeed in need
for education outside of Education
to help them see,
to create human beings with reactions.

befuddle and confuse.
Help them suppose
or even become the amused.

Treat those
who do not feel motivation.
To teach them to suppose

or create creations.
                                                                                 -The Bison

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

God- or -god is a gypsy or Gypsy-

This is how a useless conversation begins and ends.
Please do not shout into my ear.
I did not know I was shouting. I am sorry.
That is alright.
Then why did you have to say anything?
I don't know.
(That is how a useless conversation begins and ends.)
this is how another useless conversation begins and doesn't end
Who are you?
Who am I?
Yes, who are you?
Why are you asking?
I want to know who you are.
Why won't you tell me who you are?
Why do you want to know who I am?
Because it is important, how about you?
Because it is important.
[someone walks away]

-The Bison