Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I am so poor

I am so poor.
I am scary-poor.
It doesn’t feel that terrible…
I find my way around.

I am so fit.
I am very fit.
It doesn’t feel that difficult…
I enjoy it.

I am so quiet.
I am extremely quiet.
I don’t feel that silent…
It isn’t so silent in my brain.

I am so cold.
I am freezing cold.
It doesn’t feel that life threatening…
I put on more layers.

I am so young.
I am a child to the middle-aged.
I don’t feel that immature…
I like to learn.

I am so responsible.
I am ridiculously responsible.
It doesn’t feel that great…
I find it monotonously necessary.

I am so sustainable.
I am considered a “tree-hugger.”
It doesn’t feel  that time consuming…
I look for the recycling bin.

I am so hungry.
Sometimes I am starving.
I can afford potatoes…
Yes, I do work. Don’t you?

I am so angry.
I hate the way the world is.
It feels hopeless.
I try.